Clapham Primary promotes the well-being and resilience of our students by inspiring, engaging and empowering. Incorporating student voice will inspire participation and decision-making for learning success. Strengths-based approaches effectively engage and support students to grow and learn.

Promoting well-being and high expectations will empower successful learning. Building trust and maintaining respectful relationships will inspire and engage students and their families to learn, grow and achieve. Valuing diversity, individual capabilities and interests will empower students to embrace opportunities.


Proactive Behaviour Support Strategies

At Clapham Primary our values of respect, responsibility and co-operation are stated positively and support a school-wide consistent approach to behaviour management and an expectation of a high standard of responsible behaviour at all times.

Staff have received training in the Berry Street Education Model based on proven positive education, trauma-informed and well-being practices that enable students’ academic and personal growth.

To provide students with the skills and strategies to maintain respectful relationships with their peers and adults they are explicitly taught

  • Habits of Mind, which is a strengths based approach, to develop an understanding and use of common language, social skills and social competencies.
  • Problem solving strategies to deal with situations when they or their peers are being bullied or feel unsafe. They follow a 5-step process called ‘High 5’ which encourages them to Ignore, Talk Friendly, Talk Firmly, Walk Away, Report.


Interoception activities that allows students to tune in and notice internal body signals like a rumbling stomach, racing heart, tense muscles or full bladder. When students notice these body signals they can use them as clues to regulate their emotions. When children have not yet developed interoception skills they will struggle with not only their own emotions but with social interactions.

Please find below informative brochures from Tahnee Manuel’s Year 6/7 Class to define and explain the benefits of Interoception at Clapham Primary School.

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